6 Steps For a Successful Transition Back to School

Back-to-school season can both be an exciting and difficult time for students, parents, and teachers. This year is particularly challenging as more significant adjustments have been made. 

These changes can cause a myriad of mixed emotions. While students are excited to be back in school learning and enjoying the company of their friends, there may be frustration and anxiety over changes implemented for their safety.

The start of the school year is very important and it can impact how a child behaves and performs academically. Parents should be mindful of how to ease their children into another year of learning. Here are some recommendations.

Be available. Familiarize yourself with your child’s daily schedule and ask open-ended questions about specific activities. Ask about their classes to get them to talk and share how their day went. Commit to at least 15 minutes of one-on-one time with each child daily and spend this time talking or doing something you both enjoy.

Develop a calm morning routine. No one likes to be rushed in the morning; it sets a stressful tone for the rest of the day. 

A stress-free morning begins the night before. Have your child shower or bathe before bed. Ask them to pick their outfit for the next day, and go over the next day’s schedule together. Make sure homework’s done and all bags are packed and are by the door.

A loud, blaring alarm can make waking up in the morning a jarring experience. Set your child’s alarm to his or her favorite song, or gently nudge them awake, and try to make your morning routines as predictable as possible. It can be as simple as waking up, eating breakfast, brushing teeth, getting changed, and heading for school.

Be enthusiastic about what your child is doing in school. Studies have shown that children absorb the emotions of those around them; especially their parents. Be positive, encouraging, and emphatic as your kids share their everyday struggles and triumphs. 

Support your child as they build stamina throughout the first months of school. School days can be long and draining. Integrate some fun activities into their day and make sure they get a good night’s sleep.

Apart from physical stamina, help your child build mental stamina for learning as well. Teach them positive self-talk and persistence. Instead of “I can’t do this,” teach them to say “I can do this is if I keep at it,” or “I’ll ask for help if I feel like giving up.”

Enjoy the outdoors (safely). The start of the school year should not prevent your child from being outdoors. Take evening walks or encourage outdoor play.

Brentwood private school Currey Ingram Academy has a relaxing 83 acres that include a trail and a creek for outdoor activities – perfect for energetic kids.

Re-establish mealtime routines. Mealtimes can become very unstructured during summer due to busy and unpredictable schedules. Now that it’s back-to-school season, take the opportunity to re-establish family mealtimes and traditions. For example, each person can share a positive thing that happened to them during the day.

Parents play a crucial role in helping children transition from summer vacation to school. Teachers at Brentwood private school Currey Ingram Academy are very intentional in helping students get back into a learning state of mind. Rules and expectations are laid out, taught, and practiced during the first weeks of school. Routines are established to ease any anxiety, and social relationships among students are encouraged and nurtured.

Currey Ingram Academy is here to help students adjust to this new school year. Working hand-in-hand with parents, the Brentwood private school will do what it can to make this time wonderful and enriching for everyone.

A private school in Brentwood, Currey Ingram Academy supports and empowers students with learning differences to achieve their fullest potential – academically and socially – within an environment that fosters holistic student development. Get in touch by calling (615) 507-3173.

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