From College Graduate to Success Story: Charlotte, NC’s Rick Siskey Provides Advice to College Graduates

They are the future of our country, says Charlotte, NC’s Rick Siskey. Young men and women, standing in line, waiting to receive that hard-earned diploma. As a respected speaker and businessman from Charlotte, NC, Rick Siskey has plenty of advice for today’s college graduates. His advice is offered to assist young up-and-comers take their place in leading the world.

A strong work ethic, according to Charlotte, NC resident Rick Siskey, is more important to an employer than extensive experience. If there’s one thing employers dislike, Rick Siskey of Charlotte, NC says, it’s apathetic, lazy employees. In this economy, hard work is more important than ever, points out Rick Siskey of Charlotte, NC.

Just as your parents told you when you were young, Charlotte, NC’s Rick Siskey relates, life isn’t fair. Employers see feelings of entitlement as a poor work ethic, Rick Siskey of Charlotte, NC explains. A future leader does the best he or she can with what he or she is given, Charlotte, NC resident Rick Siskey adds.

Rick Siskey of Charlotte, NC suggests that an old quote from the 1980s put it best. “Never let them see you sweat,” Charlotte, NC’s Rick Siskey relates. No matter what, young leaders should look confident at all times, a principle that Charlotte, NC-based Rick Siskey has applied many times over the course of his thirty-year career. There were times when Charlotte, NC resident Rick Siskey felt nervous, but he never let the followers see that.

“You have to project confidence and calmness when you’re in leadership,” Charlotte, NC’s Rick Siskey advises. “Nervous leaders will make for nervous followers.”

In the end, Charlotte, NC resident Rick Siskey urges college graduates to go forward in business with integrity and values. These, says Siskey, are more important than everything else. Often young businesspeople will find themselves faced with a variety of opinions, from which they must decide which advice is the one to take.

“It doesn’t matter who’s right, do what’s right,” Charlotte, NC’s Rick Siskey says. “If you don’t have them, you don’t have a job with me.”

For more information, contact Rick Siskey in Charlotte, NC by visiting www.siskeyindustries.com
