Categories: Personal

Job Interview Tips and Suggestions

No matter how many job interviews you have been on, they never seem to get easier. Selling marketable skills while answering questions in an unfamiliar environment is nerve wracking, and Oceans 2003 wants to help job seekers by answering some frequently asked questions.

One of the first things that a job seeker should do is practice the answers to any and every question he or she thinks they might be asked. It’s even more helpful to do it in front of a friend or loved one.  Practice utilizing actual examples of your skills. If you can prove evidence of past successes, that will go a long way with future employers.

Take time to do research about the company for which you are interviewing. Make sure you know the interviewer’s name and make a point of using it while being interviewed. If you don’t know the name of the person who’s going to be doing the interview, call the company before the interview to find out.

Dress for success. It’s important to look your best for a job interview, so wear professional clothing that fits well. If appropriate, bring along a portfolio to show off your best work. Consider bringing a pen and notebook for note taking.

It’s also very important to remember basic rules of etiquette. Be punctual (in this case, that means five to ten minutes early) as well as extremely polite to any support staff that you may come in contact with. One rude remark to an administrative assistant can sink your chance at the position. Also, after the interview, it’s important to send a thank you note to the interviewer.

And finally, it’s important to stay calm. Even though a job interview is nerve wracking, try to appear calm and confident. As well, take care to maintain eye contact with the interviewer.

With these tips, hopefully you will find your next job interview a little less stressful.
