Categories: Music

Basics of Jazz Music Composition from Tom Patterson of Round Rock

Tom Patterson of the Round Rock school district commented recently on jazz music composition. The Band Director at Deerpark, Round Rock’s Tom Patterson said skilled musicians compose jazz with pronounced writing ability. According to Tom Patterson of Round Rock, an inspired jazz composer can create timeless, memorable tunes. In fact, continued Tom Patterson of Round Rock, jazz composition is such a highly regarded skill that it is included as a routine course of study in many colleges and universities. Round Rock’s Tom Patterson added that many accomplished jazz composers have studied music theory and chord construction. They have also gone on to produce their own guidelines for jazz composition.

Experimentation and improvisation are welcome in the jazz world, noted Tom Patterson of Round Rock, as long as the musician is a master of the jazz form. According to Tom Patterson of Round Rock, a jazz composer needs to know how to fit the musical shocks cleanly into the flow of the music. Tom Patterson of Round Rock added that this is easier said than done and for that reason, talented jazz composers deserve all the recognition they can get.

Tom Patterson of Round Rock further pointed out that a jazz music composer must keep the creative essence of jazz in their heart. A talented jazz composer, explained Tom Patterson of Round Rock, aims to transform their feelings about any given subject into the sound of the musical piece. Deerpark/Round Rock’s Tom Patterson also said that there are basic skills that facilitate jazz composition. If you want to be a jazz composer, Tom Patterson of Round Rock advised some basic music theory to become familiar with the terminology of musical structure.

Round Rock’s Tom Patterson pointed aspiring composers towards essential musical elements like reading music, chord progressions, intervals, and counterpoint. Tom Patterson of Round Rock explained jazz composers study various instruments, transposing tunes from one to the other. For those interested in composing jazz music, Tom Patterson of Round Rock encouraged fans to listen to jazz music and play jazz music. Get acquainted with the jazz sounds you like and identify the sounds you want to make, he suggested. Then when you are ready, the tunes will flow.
