Edmond Dentist Damon R. Johnson, DDS on Plaque Problems and Prevention

Plaque is a scary thing and today we learn how to free ourselves from fear of “the fuzz” in this candid conversation with Edmond, OK dentist Damon R. Johnson, DDS.

Q: Thank you for chatting with us today…

Edmond Dentist Damon R. Johnson, DDS: Anytime, it’s my pleasure.

Q: We are trying to share more health-related information with our readers. Today, we want to discuss plaque buildup on teeth.

Edmond, OK, Dentist Damon R. Johnson, DDS: That’s a major problem in the US.

Q: What, exactly, is plaque?

Edmond Dentist Damon R. Johnson, DDS: It’s a clear, sticky layer of bacteria that grows on teeth. If you’ve ever woken up in the morning to “fuzzy” teeth, that’s plaque.

Q: What causes it?

Edmond, OK, Dentist Damon R. Johnson, DDS: Plaque is caused by feeding certain types of bacteria with carbohydrates and sugars.

Q: Oh, like candy…?

Edmond Dentist Damon R. Johnson, DDS: Yes, even bread and potatoes… Plaque builds up when these substances aren’t removed often enough.

Q: You mean like with brushing?

Edmond, OK, Dentist Damon R. Johnson, DDS: Exactly.  If left alone, plaque releases acid that quickly causes damage to tooth enamel.

Q: So it affects only the teeth?

Edmond Dentist Damon R. Johnson, DDS: We could only be so lucky. Plaque can actually find its way under the gum line and damage the bones that support the teeth.

Q: That’s got to be painful! How can we prevent build up?

Edmond, OK, Dentist Damon R. Johnson, DDS: Brush twice a day.  I can’t stress that enough. Flossing helps as well to remove food stuck between teeth.

Q: Do you check for plaque at regular cleanings/exams?

Edmond Dentist Damon R. Johnson, DDS: Absolutely…that’s what the hygienist is scraping off your teeth.

Q: If carbohydrates and sugars feed plaque, are there foods that help neutralize the acid?

Edmond, OK, Dentist Damon R. Johnson, DDS: Great question and yes, there are. Many raw vegetables help saliva neutralize acid and a balanced diet of nutritious foods, like cheese, yogurt, and lean proteins, can go a long way to keep your mouth – and the rest of you – healthy and strong.

Q: Do you recommend any certain types of mouthwash?

Edmond Dentist Damon R. Johnson, DDS: An antibacterial mouthwash will help kill bacteria but overuse can actually damage the enamel, so use sparingly, no more than once a day.

Q: Is plaque related to gum disease?

Edmond, OK, Dentist Damon R. Johnson, DDS: Plaque is the primary cause of gum disease.

Q: How can we tell if plaque has gotten that far?

Edmond Dentist Damon R. Johnson, DDS: Gum disease happens over time. It can result in bleeding gums, especially after brushing your teeth. If you see “pink in the sink” you may want to talk to your dentist.  Bad breath and shifting teeth are two symptoms of advanced gum disease.

Q: Wow, all from tiny, invisible bacteria… That’s great information to have. Thanks for filling us in.

Edmond, OK, Dentist Damon R. Johnson, DDS: I am glad to do it…Please call me anytime.

Damon R. Johnson, DDS:
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