Looking For Pest Control In Bentonville, AR? Ask These Questions First

When you live in Northwest Arkansas, you become intimately familiar with spiders, ants, mosquitoes, ticks, flies and the need for pest control. A pest control company to keep these and other crawling critters away from your home. You have options, but you should ask a few questions before you make a commitment or sign a service contract.

Treatment and Pricing

Start by talking to your pest control company about the types of treatments they plan to use, how often, and how much it will cost. Make sure they provide you with a written estimate and that they will stick to their pricing on the day they arrive for your first service. You also want to ask about any future planned price increases and whether or not your original price was promotional or not. Treatment should be based on your home and tailored to your needs. In other words, you probably don’t need to be treated for spiders or ants if you don’t have a problem with these creatures.

Experience and Training

Alder Pest Control takes pride in educating our technicians. They are required to complete training and pass exams to receive their license. This includes field training and state-specific instruction on everything from general and structural pests to laws and safety regulations. Our technicians also have access at any time to our owner if issues arise that they are unfamiliar with. Ask your pest control company how they train their employees and what types of continuing education requirements they have.

Ongoing Service

Another important topic to broach with your pest control company is whether they plan to do a one-time service or if they will come back for quarterly visits. Alder Pest Control offers quarterly service for folks in Bentonville that includes a full exterior spray, including at each entry point. We also utilize a specially formulated dust that continues to kill pests throughout the next few months. Our technicians also do a full sweep of the eaves around your home to remove wasp nests, spiderwebs, and egg sacs. We also spread an alternative food source around the exterior of your property, which eliminates much of the reason that pests get into your home in the first place.

Promises And Follow-Ups

Finally, before you ever let a pest control company into your home, confirm that they have a pest-free guarantee and are available for callbacks if something isn’t working. You can also ask if your service can follow you if you move. Alder Pest Control provides service in Northwest Arkansas, Bentonville, Rogers, Bella Vista, Lowell, Centerton, Cave Springs, and Springdale.

Alder Pest Control is ready, willing, and has the experience to keep you bug-free. Give us a call today at (479) 802-0087 to schedule an inspection with one of our dedicated techs.
