Mario Romano Colts Neck Promotes Safe Play for Pop Warner Youth Football

When football players in junior high possess the size, speed, and strength necessary to inflict a concussion-causing blow, Mario Romano takes Colts Neck youth football instruction seriously. Mario Romano, who helped bring Pop Warner Football to Colts Neck, New Jersey, understands the concern about concussions from parents of youth football players. “We live in a time when players are becoming faster and stronger at remarkably young ages,” Colts Neck’s Mario Romano explains. The dangers of head injuries are becoming more and more evident with the dawn of strict new rules in the NFL, adds Colts Neck’s Mario Romano.

Colts Neck’s Mario Romano points to a recent program on television that diagrammed the science behind dangerous hits in football. The impact between two players, Mario Romano of Colts Neck notes, is similar to that of two cars meeting head on. Just as the speed of the two colliding vehicles is added to demonstrate their speed of impact, the speed of two Colts Neck players can be added, Mario Romano suggests. “The trouble comes in when you have two extremely fast, large men running at one another, head first,” Colts Neck’s Mario Romano explains. The fastest players in the National Football League, according to Mario Romano of Colts Neck, can run at speeds approaching 20mph and weigh in at over 200 pounds. As the two bodies collide, Mario Romano of Colts Neck says the impact is similar to each player running 40mph into a brick wall.

Scaling this type of violent hit back to high school or even junior high players in Colts Neck, Mario Romano says the results are a bit less troubling. “In junior high, most Colts Neck players aren’t yet fully mature,” Mario Romano acknowledges. Logically, it would appear that the risk factors are reduced. However, Colts Neck’s Mario Romano knows that the key to safety is to teach proper hitting techniques. Another big problem at the younger age levels is a lack of knowledge as to the proper way to hit. “Players unwittingly lunge with their helmet first, which seriously exposes them to a head/neck injury,” Mario Romano of Colts Neck states.

Thankfully, in youth leagues such as Pop Warner Football in Colts Neck, Mario Romano says that many safety factors work in the players’ favor. For one, every division is divided according to a Colts Neck player’s age and weight. Mario Romano points out that a higher level of safety is provided from this simple size-classification method. Another important fact to consider is the relatively low level of speed and strength that even the largest of youth football players possesses. Colts Neck’s Mario Romano says that sometimes even the fastest collisions look almost comical in nature. “They are running their hearts out,” Mario Romano of Colts Neck explains, “but the impact is so weak they rarely blink.” All Pop Warner Football coaches in Colts Neck are trained to be able to instruct players in proper hitting techniques. These factors, plus improved helmet technology, keep Mario Romano confident that head injuries in Colts Neck Pop Warner Football will remain a nearly nonexistent occurrence in the years to come.

Colts Neck resident Mario Romano began his career on Wall Street in 1982. Studying under some of the most prestigious financial professionals of our time before moving to Colts Neck, New Jersey, Mario Romano graduated from St. John’s University well ahead of his class. Relocating to Colts Neck, Mario Romano continued serving as an executive with a select group of Wall Street institutions. With the extensive experience he gained, Colts Neck’s Mario Romano co-founded Wealth Engineering in 2005. Mario Romano brings over twenty-five years of Wall Street experience to his mission of providing financial education to the masses worldwide. Mario Romano resides in Colts Neck, New Jersey with his wife Gina and their three children. In his local community of Colts Neck, Mario Romano is known as a key proponent of youth sports and education for the instrumental role he played in bringing Pop Warner Football to Colts Neck.
