Pastor Pierre Bennett: The Full Power of Love

Pastor Pierre Bennett first discovered his love for God as a small boy, listening to his mother sing in the church choir. As he grew into adulthood, Pastor Pierre Bennett entered a life of serving others. In 1999, he learned the true power of serving God. Pastor Pierre Bennett became a Minister and started teaching Sunday school. His passion to inspire and educate was a blessing to many. Pastor Pierre Bennett believes there are degrees of love. Why else would people say they are so in love? This, says Pastor Pierre Bennett, is when a person crosses another or a higher dimension and finds him or herself overflowing with love.

God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that we might find salvation, Pastor Pierre Bennett tells his congregation. Even in the days before we found God, He was so in love with us that He gave his Son to save us. At the time, man was not on the same side as God—in fact, because of our sinful state we were His enemies, yet He still loved us, Pastor Pierre Bennett says. God wanted to give us eternal life, to rescue us.

Pastor Pierre Bennett asks one important question of his congregation. Would you give up your only child to rescue your twin sister or your mother? Maybe for some. But, as Pastor Pierre Bennett points out, most people wouldn’t do that for a perfect stranger, let alone someone who had been mean to them. Pastor Pierre Bennett poses the question, would you sacrifice your only child to save someone who had used profanity toward you or your ex? What would you do about your sworn enemy, Pastor Pierre Bennett continues.

Most of us would say no, but Pastor Pierre Bennett points out that is only because your love isn’t perfected yet. Once your love is perfected, Pastor Pierre Bennett says you would be able to love even your worst enemy. As the Word states, love is power. According to Pastor Pierre Bennett, your thinking is temporal, as are your feelings. When you operate from the power of love, Pastor Pierre Bennett says, you walk in the power of Christ, with spiritual thinking, bringing an all-new meaning to being so in love.

Pastor Pierre Bennett quotes Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. We are strengthened through the power of God’s love, which is proof that He is awesome!

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PastorPierreBennett: Pastor Pierre Bennett acknowledges that being called for a lifetime of service to the Lord and others is a special honor, reserved for a select few. Dr. Bennett received that call on Easter morning in 1999 at the Upper Room International Church. But his relationship with the Lord began much earlier.

View Comments (10)

  • Pastor Pierre Bennett is living with the power of God's love. Pastor Pierre Bennett always tells us to live and do everything with the love of God. Because of Pastor Pierre Bennett's words, I feel so cleansed and refreshed about life. I have a new joy of life.

    • @Rhea - I'm glad that I was able to give joy to your life though the word of God. "Pastor Pierre Bennett: The Full Power of Love" Thank you so much! - Pastor Pierre Bennett

  • I believe in the power of God's love, this is what I always say when I feel down because I know that because of my love for him and his love for me, everything will be fine. I have learned this through Pastor Pierre Bennett who grew up with the power of God's love by his side. Pastor Pierre Bennett was given a ministry to spread the word of God and share how He loves us so much. Now in return, I believe that now is my time to do what Pastor Pierre Bennett did by helping others know who God really is.

    • @Charles - I'm not only spreading the word of God, but I'm also helping others to get back and knows Gods purpose to our lives. "Pastor Pierre Bennett: The Full Power of Love" Thanks! - Pastor Pierre Bennett

  • There was a time in my life where I thought that everything is over and nobody cared or loved me. Pastor Pierre Bennett proved me wrong for the truth is - I am dearly loved and cared about all the time. Pastor Pierre Bennett has shown me a light that will guide my path to a brighter day, and that light is the love of God. Pastor Pierre Bennett taught me how to be happy again through God's love and being faithful to God.

    • @Simon - Thank you for your nice feedback. "Pastor Pierre Bennett: The Full Power of Love". - Pastor Pierre Bennett

  • Everyone of us has our own thoughts and ideas about God. For Pastor Pierre Bennett the best thing to think about God is how he Loves us that he has given his only son to save us from our sins. This is enough reason for Pastor Pierre Bennett for us to trust and return back to God for what he is giving us. Pastor Pierre Bennett taught us to be thankful and fulfilled to the life we have.

    • @Vincent - Thank you for making me part of your life. I'm really happy for that. "Pastor Pierre Bennett: The Full Power of Love" -Pastor Pierre Bennett

  • Pastor Pierre Bennett truly lives his life through the power of God's love for he is showing it by helping others to repent and like him - living through God's love. Pastor Pierre Bennett is doing anything he could to make people happy and make them feel that they are loved. Pastor Pierre Bennett is sent by God because he truly loves us so much.

    • @Lorraine - Thank you for leaving a comment to my post Pastor Pierre Bennett: The Full Power of Love -Pastor Pierre Bennett
