Fantich Media Group says there are several considerations that a business must make when formulating a successful marketing strategy. Many current and prospective clients of Fantich Media Group pose thoughtful questions regarding the best use of advertising budgets. Fantich Media Group has gathered together some of these questions for a discussion about typical considerations that small businesses must make when choosing advertising.
Does billboard advertising work?
Billboard advertising, replies Fantich Media Group, is useful when it is wisely executed. An important rule of thumb, according to Fantich Media Group, is to be very particular when it comes to selecting a billboard location. Fantich Media Group says that billboard advertising is most effective if it promotes a business that is accessible via an upcoming exit. Fantich Media Group sites an old advertising adage that states, “The two most important words on a billboard are EXIT NOW.”
It is also important for the business, says Fantich Media Group, to personally select the billboard location. Leaving billboard location selection to the billboard company can lead to very inconvenient ad placement, which is essentially wasted money. Fantich Media Group encourages advertisers that are planning to purchase billboard space to “drive around and think like a customer.” Fantich Media Group says this will help ensure the company chooses a billboard site that best fits their location. Of course billboard advertising can be used to simply maintain brand awareness, says Fantich Media Group, but there are usually better ways than billboards to increase brand awareness.
How do I select a creative ad agency?
According to Fantich Media Group, the best strategy for choosing a creative ad agency is to identify evocative and impressive advertisements. Great commercials, says Fantich Media Group, are produced by the best agencies. Fantich Media Group suggests that prospective advertisers do some basic research and trace their favorite ads back to the agency that produced them. A smart shopper will call the newspaper, station, or website that runs their favorite advertisements, says Fantich Media Group, and speak with the account representative. Fantich Media Group explains that the account representative will gladly tell an interested caller which advertising agency is producing the popular spots. The account representative will be forthcoming with the information, adds Fantich Media Group, because he hopes to receive more commission if the enquirer chooses to hire that agency.
Fantich Media Group also manages to publish and distribute RGV Magazine. Each month, Fantich Media Group distributes 30,000 plus copies of RGV Magazine to local retailers in McAllen and the surrounding Rio Grand Valley communities.